
Name: Paul Hanselmann

Profile: Dr. Dipl. Chem. ETH


Phone: +41 78 266 86 20


Org. chemsitry 85%
Raw material sourcing 75%
AI based models 50%
Chemical technology 60%
About me

Study of Chemistry at the ETH in Zürich, Dissertation in bioorganic chemistry under the guidance of Prof. Arigoni about stereochemical aspects of the biological methylation of oleic acid. Postdoc at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under the Guidance of Prof. Kenneth L. Rinehart (chemistry department) and Prof. Steve Farrand (plant physiology) on the biosynthesis of Agrocin 84.

Joined the R&D department of LONZA, active in various functions (bench chemist, group leader, scientific expert) and fields (pharmaeuticals, agrochemicals, feed & food, polymers, varnish for Al foils, text mining (market intelligent). Author of more than 40 patents and several publications. Now retired

Founding of the consulting company ChemSynthDesign GmbH which is active since February 2023.


Areas of expertise

Retrosynthesis, 2nd generation process

Raw Material

AI based models / text mining

Labeled compounds

