Retrosynthesis / 2nd generation process

Retrosynthesis / 2nd generation process

Retrosynthetic analysis

The process from lead discovery are seldom technically and economically sound process when it comes to first production for lunch.

Why not challange already in phase 1 for the developemnt if the chosen synthesis route is suitable for commcercially prodcution? A retrosynthic anaylsis of possible route to your target molecules can give your more insight to make the right desscsions. Even if this excerice is only made on paper, it will give valuable input for the further developemnt of your lead.

A retrosynthetic anaylsis of your target can give you answers to the fowwling questions,

- Are your starting material avaialbe in suffciant amount for your launch and longterm?

- Who in the world is making your starting material?

- Will your starting material be avaialbe longterm?

- How sustainable is your starting material produced?

- What is an apropriate priece? (incobination with the price pediction model)

2nd generation process

Your API is soon lossing patent protection soon and entering the generic phase. It is the right time now to revise the synthesis. It may be wise to adapt the synthesis on,

- new technology, allowing lower prodcution cost

- Changing raw material base

- Find a better synthesis.

- Changing the synthesis to get new patnet protection

- In general find the cheapest synthesis

- Find new raw material supplier

In all cases a sound retrosyntheic analysis is the right step. Such an analysisi is of importance and in combination with our AI based price estimation and the raw material pedigree gives you a good base for any descison in re-investing in your product.