AI-models / Text mining

AI supported model / text mining

AI supported models

Today an immense amount of data is avaialble in machine readable formates. Why not use this data for prediction of certain value of your next target? If your are in an evaluation phase such predicted values are very helpfull since it allows you to judge idea much better and much faster and it is also cheaper.

Such models are developed for prediction of toxicology based on only structural information. Other fields are accessable like price prediction, reactivity and so one. A describtion for a price model is published in Contract Pharma 10.01.24
Text mining

You want to know who is active in a certain technology? Why not looking who hold patents in this field, published science paper? You want to know the research front in a certain field?

You are looking for an expert in a certain field, which university is doing research in your field? Why not following these authors?

You are unsure what your customers are doing with your product? You don't know the application? Do they really use it in certain field as claimed? Might there be others using your compound and you are not aware of?